Free Geometry Shapes Printable Posters: Areas and Perimeters Polygons

Free Areas and Perimeters of Basic Polygons.

These posters was designed for commercial printing, so you can print these in any sizes you want. This is a soft copy. Each Images is one poster.

To download images, all you have to do is to choose an image, right click on that image and save as image to you computer, then you can print it. 

1. SQUARE: Perimeter equals the sum of its sides. It's area is the square of its side. Let s represent the sides of the polygon.

 2. TRIANGLE : The perimeter of a triangle is the sum of its sides. Let a, b and c are the sides. It's area is one-half of the product of its base and height. Let b stands for the base and h for hieght.
 3. SQUARE : The same as number 1 but in purple color.

 4. TRAPEZIOD: The perimeter is the sum of the four sides. Let a, b, c, and d are the sides. It's area is one-half of the sume of the two bases (a and b) multiplied by its height.

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